Tag Archive: mogwai

Video: Party In The Dark
Band: Mogwai
Label: Rock Action Records/Temporary Residence/Spunk Records
Album: Every Country’s Sun
Release Date: Sept 1, 2017

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Song: Party In The Dark
Band: Mogwai
Label: Rock Action Records/Temporary Residence
Album: Every Country’s Sun
Release Date: Sept 1, 2017
Band Page

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Video: Coolverine
Band: Mogwai
Label: Rock Action Records/Temporary Residence/Spunk Records
Album: Every Country’s Sun
Release Date: Sept 1, 2017
Band Page

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Song: Coolverine
Band: Mogwai
Label: Rock Action/Temporary Residence Ltd.
Album: Every Country’s Sun
Release Date: Sept 1, 2017
Band Page

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Mogwai (playing Atomic in full)

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Video: Ether
Band: Mogwai
Label: Rock Action
Album: Storyville – Atomic: Living in Dread and Promise
Release Date: April 1, 2016
Band Page

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Song: U-235
Band: Mogwai
Label: Rock Action/Temporary Residence
Album: Atomic
Release Date: April 1, 2016
Band Page

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On April 1, The score for the documentary film Atomic – Living In Dread And Promise will be released via Rock Action/Temporary Residence. Mogwai took control of this score. See the track listing and hear the new song “U-235” Continue reading

Founding guitarist John Cummings has left Mogwai. Says the band: “We are sad to announce that John Cummings has decided to leave Mogwai to pursue his own musical projects. Continue reading